4th Annual Denver International Beer Competition adds Gluten Free Beers!

The 4th Annual Denver International Beer Competition promises to be the best ever! This annual competition is organized by Wine Country Network, Inc. The 2013 competition promises numerous changes and improvements to the its judging system that is is sure to generate more 2013 medal winners. The competition is expanding it's beet categories this year with the addition of: •Gluten Free Beer •Black International IPA'S •American-Style-Brett Ale •Wood-and-Barrell-Aged Beer Brewers may download entry forms at this webpage: http://denverbeercomp.com/contforms.html Note: A 20% Early Bird discount is offered for entries that are received and paid for before February 15, 2013. The 2013 Denver International Beer Competition is officially sanctioned by the BJCP. It is America's most food friendly commercial beer competition. Gold and Silver medal winners will be showcased at a unique food & beer pairing ...