Top Grilling Tips From The Deen Brothers

New Book: Get Fired Up

Paula Deen's Sons Jamie and Bobby are a grilling dynamic duo. They just released a wonderful new cookbook, "Get Fired Up,” that features 125 mouthwatering, easy-to-follow recipes for creating tasty dishes that the home cook can master without hours of preparation. Southern favorites include Glazed Barbecue Shrimp, Grilled Crab Cake Sammies, and Fire-Roasted Clams and Mussels. The photography in this book is mouthwatering. 224 pages, hardcover $25.

The Deen's Top BBQ Tips Worth Following:

Jamie Deen

Q: What are the three rules of grilling?

1. Flip once. 
2. Less seasoning is more. 
3. Pay attention to the heat.

Q:  What are three common grilling mistakes?

1. Pressing the meat. 
2. Cutting too soon once it comes off the grill.
3. Over cooking.

Bobby Deen

Q: What are the three rules of grilling?

1. Allow the meat to come to room temperature before grilling. Throwing an ice cold piece of meat on the grill is never a good idea.
2. Don't poke or cut it while you're cooking it. That releases the juices that give the meat all its flavor.

3. Most importantly: Don't burn it.

Q: What are three common grilling mistakes?

B: I think the answers to the previous question speak to the most common mistakes, but there are still more. First; don't over-season the meat.  A good cut has plenty of flavor on its own. A little salt and pepper is all you need. Also, always allow the meat to rest for a few minutes after removing it from the grill. That allows the juices to get flowing through it again. Juices=flavor.

The Deen Brothers Website:

Check out my full candid interview with The Deen Brothers on


Lucas Kain said…
Why, thank you for sharing! I used to execute some of those mistakes, but not anymore ;) Keep up the good tips!

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